Saturday 29 October 2011


It's been far too long. I thought I ought to do a little update because I've been sewing lots and nearly finished a dress I started ages ago! It's a pale blue polka dot dress with a floaty skirt and a sweetheart neckline. I tried it on and it looks too cute for words. Unfortunately, as always, it's a little bit too big so tomorrow I am going to have to alter it around the armholes and the straps. And take the hem up just a smidgen so I can see my nobbly knees. I am no longer afraid of sewing in zips, but I still chickened out of sleeves. Wah. One day I'll learn. I bought a load of cream lace ages ago so I think I will sew it across the waist and tie it into a bow.

I'm trying to think of some vaguely interesting things I've been up to in the past couple of months:

- Dave and I went to Castleton in the Peak District and visited Treak Cliff Cavern which was pretty awesome. It looks like CHEESE inside! It also had a marriage license!

- I tried to make some cookies and they didn't go so well.

- My little brother stayed over in his half term and it was super fun. We mostly went to parks, the cinema and played a LOT of Nintendo64.

- I started volunteering at an advice centre and next week I'm starting an advice skills course.

- I'm looking at houses. To BUY!

I'm too broke to do anything these days. Wah.

I am super excited for tomorrow because I am doing a beasty Sunday roast and baking choco fudge cherry cupcakes for when Dave gets back from his Lake District walking trip. Sooo hungry now

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