Learn To Keep Your Mouth Shut

Tuesday 6 December 2011


Well I did finish that blue and white polka dot dress. And I wore it on a night out and it actually didn't break while dancing! This blog is severely lacking in photos. Dave took one of my dress on his disposable camera so I have to wait for those to be developed. D'oh.

I am 23 in a months time and I feel very unaccomplished. I have all the time in the world at the moment for crafty things but no money to fritter away on fabrics, wool and ribbon. Having no job and no money and too much time is making me very sad lately and making my brain turn to mushy mush. I really would like to put in some effort into advancing my skills as I feel I'm limiting myself. I also want to learn how to crochet and spend more time baking! I have interview this week so things might pick up. Hopefully.

I'm really obsessed with dark red fabrics at the moment. In particular, dark red velvet. I was on LookBook having a nosey and saw a lady wearing a stunning dark red velvet swishy dress with a white peter pan collar and a black ribbon. It's in the sketchbook as a future project.

Saturday 29 October 2011


It's been far too long. I thought I ought to do a little update because I've been sewing lots and nearly finished a dress I started ages ago! It's a pale blue polka dot dress with a floaty skirt and a sweetheart neckline. I tried it on and it looks too cute for words. Unfortunately, as always, it's a little bit too big so tomorrow I am going to have to alter it around the armholes and the straps. And take the hem up just a smidgen so I can see my nobbly knees. I am no longer afraid of sewing in zips, but I still chickened out of sleeves. Wah. One day I'll learn. I bought a load of cream lace ages ago so I think I will sew it across the waist and tie it into a bow.

I'm trying to think of some vaguely interesting things I've been up to in the past couple of months:

- Dave and I went to Castleton in the Peak District and visited Treak Cliff Cavern which was pretty awesome. It looks like CHEESE inside! It also had a marriage license!

- I tried to make some cookies and they didn't go so well.

- My little brother stayed over in his half term and it was super fun. We mostly went to parks, the cinema and played a LOT of Nintendo64.

- I started volunteering at an advice centre and next week I'm starting an advice skills course.

- I'm looking at houses. To BUY!

I'm too broke to do anything these days. Wah.

I am super excited for tomorrow because I am doing a beasty Sunday roast and baking choco fudge cherry cupcakes for when Dave gets back from his Lake District walking trip. Sooo hungry now

Saturday 20 August 2011


Instead of spending the weekend on a canal boat, I am tucked up on the sofa with a hot water bottle watching Dirty Dancing for the millionth time.

I have to go to hospital in a week and I'm super duper nervous because I hate hospitals. They're so big and busy. Argh. On the flipside though I have an interview for a job I actually want. I kinda need to work on not being a sweaty mess though.

I saw the most curious thing today. I saw a man with the most beautiful face ever with a blubberific body. Weird huh?

Wednesday 10 August 2011


I am currently at my parental home where I actually have internet. Hiding under my duvet. The best place to blog, no? The first thing I notice I when I first step off the bus is how windy it is. Seriously, I get blown away into the road!

In true T style, the first bit of cash I got my hands on was spent on make up. [I have an excuse, I have a wedding to attend this weekend and obvs need to look awesome]. I got Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation. Which feels AMAZING. But leaves my face looking like I've run a marathon. And also L'Oreal True Match Foundation. Better coverage, but duh it's not a true match and it smells funny. What I REALLY wanted was a nice dusky pink blusher. D'oh.

I am really not looking forward to this wedding. I can't walk in the shoes I bought and I feel ultra uncomfortable in Indian dress. Sigh. It's just one weekend.

Tuesday 26 July 2011


It's been a forever. Oops. Haven't touched my sewing machine in absolutely ages. The last time I did I got very frustrated with my blue and white polka dot dress. Zipper problems. As usual.

Moved into the new house and it took me quite some time to unpack. I feel a bit spoilt having a double bed.

Very frustrated as I am currently jobless and super broke and all I can think about is going on a make up spree. Wah! I want some new foundation. And gradual self tanner. And new blusher. New everything.

Friday 20 May 2011


I'm currently obsessed with PIES! I've gone pie crazy. I've not really had much time for cooking during my exams [they seem to be so time consuming] which makes me sad because I want to make more pies. The first one was an pear and blackcurrant pie. I soaked the fruit in copious amounts of red wine and sugar with a little bit of lemon juice for good measure. And then used the bottle of wine to roll out some shortcrust pastry and laid it out in a lattice over the top. Pretty simple but tasted super with a scoop of caramel ice cream.

Before it went in the oven.

Nomming it down.

Then I made a savoury chicken, bacon and leek pie with puff pastry. Chucked in some white wine, chicken stock and a bit of cream cheese. I think the white wine made it taste a little bit zingy but apart from that it was so so tasty. Puff pastry made me lol though because it looked like a big mushroom cap in the oven. And now that I've had my first taste of making pies, I've got pies on the brain. Apple pie, plum pie, peach pie. I'm going to do a super veg one, I'm thinking butternut squash, sweet potato and goats cheese.

I am super looking forward to moving to a new home, it's about a month away. Then I can do loads of cooking because at the moment I never bother if it's just me I'm making dinner for. Technically I shouldn't be stressed right now as my exams are all finished now [until August..] but I never realised how stressed I seem to be all the time. I'm currently trying to relieve this with some Chet Baker. Going on holiday with my family next week so hopefully I will forget about everything. But I know when I return, it'll be the same!

Monday 25 April 2011


I forgot all about these blog until a few minutes ago when I read Amy's. Anyways, the dress is finished and I've worn it around a few times. I'm pretty happy with it. Apart from the fact that I cut far too much off the hem and now it barely covers my bum. And work has begun on two more dresses! Except I haven't had much time for them lately as my exams are in two weeks. When I drop out of uni, I can't wait to spend my unemployed dole days making pretty dresses and baking cupcakes.

Very messy room. In my pictures folder, that photo was next to one of me lifting my dress and flashing my undies and I very almost clicked to upload that one. Oops. Started knitting my boyfriend a scarf. Yes, it's summer, but by the time I will have finished it, it shall be winter. I hope he appreciates it cause it's damn expensive wool! But chunky knits are the bomb.