Friday 20 May 2011


I'm currently obsessed with PIES! I've gone pie crazy. I've not really had much time for cooking during my exams [they seem to be so time consuming] which makes me sad because I want to make more pies. The first one was an pear and blackcurrant pie. I soaked the fruit in copious amounts of red wine and sugar with a little bit of lemon juice for good measure. And then used the bottle of wine to roll out some shortcrust pastry and laid it out in a lattice over the top. Pretty simple but tasted super with a scoop of caramel ice cream.

Before it went in the oven.

Nomming it down.

Then I made a savoury chicken, bacon and leek pie with puff pastry. Chucked in some white wine, chicken stock and a bit of cream cheese. I think the white wine made it taste a little bit zingy but apart from that it was so so tasty. Puff pastry made me lol though because it looked like a big mushroom cap in the oven. And now that I've had my first taste of making pies, I've got pies on the brain. Apple pie, plum pie, peach pie. I'm going to do a super veg one, I'm thinking butternut squash, sweet potato and goats cheese.

I am super looking forward to moving to a new home, it's about a month away. Then I can do loads of cooking because at the moment I never bother if it's just me I'm making dinner for. Technically I shouldn't be stressed right now as my exams are all finished now [until August..] but I never realised how stressed I seem to be all the time. I'm currently trying to relieve this with some Chet Baker. Going on holiday with my family next week so hopefully I will forget about everything. But I know when I return, it'll be the same!

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